Our Projects

We help to finance an unrivalled collection of projects around the world, clients can offset their carbon footprint with the highest quality solutions.

Carbon offsetting empowers businesses to achieve ambitious climate targets, assigns a value to carbon emissions to encourage more environmentally responsible actions, and offers vital financial support to expedite the global shift towards a low-carbon future. Carbon offsets represent a globally acknowledged approach to assuming accountability for unavoidable carbon emissions.

What is Carbon Offsetting?

In essence, carbon offsetting entails the removal or prevention of one tonne of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere, thus reducing the overall carbon footprint.

To offset their emissions, companies are required to procure an equivalent volume of carbon credits, which undergo rigorous independent verification to confirm their status as legitimate emissions reductions. These credits serve as a conduit for carbon financing directed towards international projects dedicated to mitigating or curtailing emissions. This financial support ensures the viability and sustainability of such projects, aligning with the principles outlined in the GHG Protocol.

Each carbon credit we offer signifies a one-tonne reduction in emissions achieved through a certified project. These emissions reductions are subject to stringent third-party audits, conforming to globally recognized standards. They undergo meticulous scrutiny to validate their authenticity, measurability, permanence, additionality, independent verification, and uniqueness.

Our carbon offset programs encompass a diverse array of carbon projects, thoughtfully tailored to align with your corporate sustainability goals and in strict accordance with GHG Protocol guidelines.

Transparency, Trust and Quality These are they key attributes of we look for in the selection of our offsets.

How does carbon offsetting work?

Addressing carbon emissions is an ongoing endeavour, commencing with the assessment of your carbon footprint, devising a plan to decarbonize your organization, and mitigating emissions that are challenging to diminish. Offset measures enable immediate action to curtail global emissions while concurrently pursuing low or zero-emission strategies tailored to your company's needs.

It's vital to recognize that carbon offsets represent just one facet of a multifaceted approach to combat climate change and should not be regarded as a solitary solution. Following the evaluation of your carbon footprint, both organizations and individuals should diligently work towards minimizing their emissions to the greatest extent possible. Simultaneously, they should take accountability for the remaining emissions by engaging in carbon credit purchases. This holistic approach ensures a more comprehensive and effective response to the climate crisis.


We exclusively collaborate with initiatives adhering to stringent industry standards, subjecting them to rigorous scrutiny and additional quality assessments. Our dedication to excellence extends beyond mere compliance with recognized third-party norms, underlining our unwavering commitment to quality assurance.

Our extensive global network of project partners grants us access to an array of carbon finance projects across the globe. Each project must successfully undergo additionality assessments, clearly demonstrating how they contribute emissions reductions beyond the ordinary course of business and in a manner made feasible solely through carbon finance. Our thorough due diligence protocol further guarantees the excellence of each project.

These measures empower us to deliver tailor-made, high-impact solutions that align precisely with the unique objectives and interests of our corporate clients.

How can a construction company offset their carbon emission

The steps below outline how to offset your carbon footprint.

  1. Define and measure your carbon footprint: Begin by assessing your emissions sources and environmental impact.

  2. Set reduction goals: Establish targets for minimizing your carbon footprint through internal efforts.

  3. Offset remaining emissions: Compensate for unavoidable emissions by selecting quality carbon credits.

  4. Choose verified credits: Opt for credits from projects meeting global standards.

  5. Communicate your efforts: Share your climate action with teams, customers, and stakeholders.

  6. Continue reductions: Maintain your commitment to reducing CO2 emissions for a sustainable future.

Comprehensive carbon offsetting programs for clients

High-quality carbon credits are just one part of a successful carbon offsetting program.

Construction Carbon Neutral: Our Construction Carbon Neutral Certification provides our clients with a pragmatic framework for carbon neutrality. Updated annually to reflect best practice, it is used by construction companies worldwide.

Net Zero: As businesses increasingly set net zero targets we work with them to develop programs which take action now and invest for emission reductions in the future

Trusted Collaboration: We maintain a close working relationship with you to guarantee the precision and adherence to best practices in all your communications. Our primary objective is to safeguard and elevate your reputation while empowering you to confidently convey your climate action efforts in a compelling and transparent manner.

Get in touch

Located across the world, our experts are ready to help you deliver your climate impact goals.

Through carbon offsets, organizations can make substantial contributions to various UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Blackwell Grace applies a rigorous framework to assess carbon finance initiatives based on the indicators set forth by the UN to assess advancement across the 17 SDGs.

The wider benefits

Over 99% of Fortune 500 companies

now incorporate carbon offset programs into their sustainability strategies, emphasizing their commitment to combatting climate change.

Carbon offsetting is making a significant impact,

with global voluntary carbon offset transactions reaching 104.8 million metric tons of CO2 emissions in 2020. This is equivalent to removing over 22 million cars from the road for an entire year.

Start you're journey to net zero today

Contact us to learn about how we can reduce the make you're construction company climate positive .