In the Spotlight: DelAgua Public Health Program

DelAgua Public Health Program


Robert Miller

4/21/20234 min read

Rwanda's DelAgua Public Health Program Shaping the Future of Clean Cooking Worldwide

In an era marked by unprecedented global challenges, organizations dedicated to improving public health are playing a pivotal role in safeguarding communities. Among these champions is the DelAgua Public Health Program, whose remarkable efforts have placed it squarely in the spotlight. From its innovative solutions to its profound impact, DelAgua is shaping the future of public health for millions around the world.

Unveiling the DelAgua Public Health Program

A Decade of Progress in Rwanda

The DelAgua Public Health Program embarked on its innovative stoves program a decade ago in Rwanda. Over the years, it has evolved into the largest clean cookstove project globally, with an impressive 1.5 million stoves distributed to date. What's more, DelAgua has set its sights high, with a target of distributing 2.3 million stoves in Rwanda by 2024. This remarkable achievement has sparked tremendous interest from governments worldwide.

Expanding Horizons: Liberia, Sierra Leone, and The Gambia

DelAgua's success in Rwanda has resonated with governments seeking to transform the lives of their poorest rural communities while reducing carbon emissions. DelAgua has responded by forming strategic partnerships and signing Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with the Governments of Liberia, Sierra Leone, and The Gambia. These governments are committed to replicating the success story, and pilot distributions are set to begin in 2023.

Why Cookstoves Matter

Tackling Global Challenges

Cooking over open fires or inefficient stoves remains a common practice for 2.8 billion people globally, contributing significantly to carbon emissions, deforestation, and climate change. In fact, cooking over such fires emits one-quarter of global black carbon emissions, the second-largest contributor to climate change after carbon dioxide.

Moreover, household air pollution is the leading environmental cause of premature death and disability, surpassing even unsafe water and lack of sanitation, and causing more deaths than Malaria, HIV, and TB combined. Clean cookstoves are essential to addressing these global challenges while also aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Why Rwanda?

A Commitment to Change

Rwanda, one of the world's poorest countries, stands out for its commitment to addressing these issues. Despite its economic challenges, Rwanda has been proactive in promoting gender equality, with over half of its parliament comprising women. The nation has also set ambitious climate action goals, putting environment and climate change at the core of its decision-making.

DelAgua's partnership with the Government of Rwanda is pivotal to the Tubeho Neza ("Live Well") project's success and scalability. Rwanda's progress in governance, gender equality, and education further underscores its commitment to development and sustainability.

Transforming Lives, One Stove at a Time

Stove Quality Matters

DelAgua understands that stove quality is paramount. To effect meaningful change, the organization provides high-quality, high-performance stoves that families can rely on. The Live Well stove, manufactured by BURN in Kenya, uses small pieces of twig and tinder, reducing wood usage by 71% compared to traditional fires.

The stove's innovative design enhances thermal efficiency, resulting in quicker cooking times while minimizing environmental impact. DelAgua continues to explore technologies to improve stove performance, always keeping the user's experience in mind.

Enduring Impact

Two years after receipt, an impressive 99% of DelAgua stoves are still in daily use, with 87% of households reporting no issues with their stoves. This reliability ensures long-term benefits for families and the environment. DelAgua remains dedicated to continuous improvement, driven by feedback from its extensive user base.

How It Works

DelAgua's comprehensive approach involves a dedicated team of over 7,000 Community Health Workers who manage local stove distributions. Each recipient is registered and provided with certification and educational materials. The DelAgua smartphone app tracks stove usage accurately, and Community Health Workers visit households regularly to provide training and support.

The program's success is further underscored by the fact that it's fully funded through the sale of carbon credits, ensuring its sustainability and impact.

Project Impact by the Numbers

  • 1,500,000 stoves distributed to households.

  • 73% reduction in household air pollution when using the stove outdoors.

  • 27.7% reduction in cookstove emission exposure among children.

  • 46% reduction in diarrhea in children under 5 when using boiled water.

  • 71% less wood required than a traditional 3-stone fire.

  • 64 km² of forestry saved annually, equivalent to the size of Manhattan.

  • 8.6 million tons of CO2 emissions reduced annually, comparable to removing all the cars from the streets of London and New York.

Offsetting Carbon Emissions

The Tubeho Neza project is funded by the sale of carbon credits, allowing individuals and companies to offset their carbon footprint. These credits have far-reaching impacts, transforming the health and wellbeing of Rwandan communities while reducing carbon emissions. DelAgua's projects are registered under VERRA's voluntary Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) program, ensuring they meet rigorous criteria for sustainability and development.

By purchasing carbon credits from DelAgua, you directly support the Tubeho Neza project's mission to distribute 2.3 million stoves and make a positive difference in the world.

Transforming Lives and Nature Through Enterprise

In celebration of the historic COP15 agreement on biodiversity and ecosystems, DelAgua has launched a powerful film showcasing the impact of clean cooking on nature. This film underscores the vital role clean cooking plays in saving both lives and the environment.

Explore more about DelAgua's work and watch the film in their online film library.

Project Benefits

Each DelAgua stove improves health, reduces carbon emissions, curbs deforestation, delivers gender benefits, saves money, develops skills, and preserves wildlife habitats.

Impact Stories

  • "The first time I used my stove, breakfast was ready before the family was up!" - Olive

  • "My children were spending between two to four hours a day collecting wood, before we received our stove. Now they collect wood once every few days." - Philomene

  • "With the money I'm saving on firewood, I'm able to purchase more stock for my shop that I run from the front of my house." - Julienne

  • "Now we have a DelAgua stove, I spend less than one hour a day gathering fuel, so I am able to attend school every day." - Nadine

Offsetting Your Carbon Emissions

The Tubeho Neza project is funded by the sale of carbon credits. Purchasing carbon credits allows individuals and companies to offset their carbon footprint. DelAgua's projects are registered under VERRA's voluntary Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) program, ensuring they meet rigorous criteria for sustainability and development.

By buying carbon credits directly from DelAgua, you are ensuring that all of your money goes directly to supporting the project and will enable us to meet our target of distributing 2.3 million stoves.